Wedding Poems
Wedding poems can come in handy when you cannot come up with the right words to express your feelings on this special day.
Wedding poems can be included on the wedding invitations, used in the wedding ceremony, be included in your vows or as part of the wedding speech by the father of the bride.
There are some beautiful poems that have been written that can help personlize your wedding ceremony and make the day feel extra special.
Wedding Poem - The One
When the one whose hand you're holding
Is the one who holds your heart
When the one whose eyes you gaze into
Gives your hopes and dreams their start,
When the one you think of first and last
Is the one who holds you tight,
And the things you plan together
Make the whole world seem just right,
When the one whom you believe in
puts their faith and trust in you,
You've found the one and only love
You'll share your whole life through.
Poetry is appropriate for weddings because poems arouse emotion on an already emotional filled day.
Wedding poetry speaks about love, commitment, and relationships.
On Your Wedding Day

Today is a day you will always remember
The greatest in anyone’s life
You’ll start off the day just two people in love
And end it as Husband and Wife
It’s a brand new beginning, the start of a journey
With moments to cherish and treasure
And although there’ll be times when you both disagree
These will surely be outweighed by pleasure
You’ll have heard many words of advice in the past
When the secrets of marriage were spoken
But you know that the answers lie hidden inside
Where the bond of true love lies unbroken
So live happy forever as lovers and friends
It’s the dawn of a new life for you
As you stand there together with love in your eyes
From the moment you whisper ‘I do’
And with luck all your hopes and your dreams can be real
May success find its way to your hearts
Tomorrow can bring you the greatest of joys
But today is the day it all starts
I Ching
When two people are at one in their innermost hearts,
They shatter even the strength of iron or bronze.
And when two people understand each other in their innermost hearts,
Their words are sweet and strong, like the fragrance of orchids.
For a comprehensive list of free wedding poems visit Poem 4 Today.
Here are a couple of our favourite poems that you might like to consider for your wedding day:-
To Be One With Each Other
What greater thing is there for two human souls
than to feel that they are joined together to strengthen
each other in all labor, to minister to each other in all sorrow,
to share with each other in all gladness,
to be one with each other in the
silent unspoken memories?
~ George Eliot (1819-1880)
Related Wedding Links
From This Day Forward
From this day forward,
You shall not walk alone.
My heart will be your shelter,
And my arms will be your home.
~ Author Unknown
Wedding Prayer
Lord, behold our family here assembled.
We thank you for this place in which we dwell,
for the love that unites us,
for the peace accorded us this day,
for the hope with which we expect the morrow,
for the health, the work, the food,
and the bright skies that make our lives delightful;
for our friends in all parts of the earth.
~ Robert Louis Stevenson
Wedding Poetry: How Do I Love Thee?
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being an Ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of every day's
Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old grief's, and with my childhood's faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints,--I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life!-- and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Wedding Poem: Our Journey
We embark on a new journey
Let our travels never end,
Keep us heading in the same direction,
Though the track may sometimes bend,
Let happiness be our destination,
Let our trademark be a smile,
Let us enjoy every footstep,
Not begrudge a single mile,
Let us revel in new discoveries,
Greet each fresh dawn with pleasure,
Let us find our inner-wealth, and know...
The true meaning of treasure.
~ Clive Blake
Wedding Poetry: These I Can Promise
I cannot promise you a life of sunshine;
I cannot promise riches, wealth, or gold;
I cannot promise you an easy pathway
That leads away from change or growing old.
But I can promise all my heart's devotion;
A smile to chase away your tears of sorrow;
A love that's ever true and ever growing;
A hand to hold in yours through each tomorrow.
~ Author Unknown
Wedding Poetry: With You In My Heart
With you in my heart, my life is complete,
You're the air that I breathe and the food that I eat.
You are my soul mate, the beat in my heart,
It feels like a year each second we're apart.
With you in my heart I'm walking on air,
I can imagine your perfume and the touch of your hair.
Your beautiful eyes, so kind and so green,
The loveliest sight I ever have seen.
With you in my heart, I am brim full of pride,
It's as though i can achieve anything with you by my side.
You're my rock, you're my angel, my one true love,
You're my present from heaven, my gift from above.
With you in my heart, I love you so much,
How caring you are, my soul you do touch.
You're a beautiful princess, a pleasure to know,
My love for you just continues to grow.
With you in my heart, I'm the happiest man on earth,
I feel God has planned this since the day of my birth.
I could never love anyone the way I love you,
I hope and I pray that you feel the same way too.
With you in my heart, through the good and the bad,
I'll be there when you need me, when you're hurting or sad.
In fact I'll be there for you any night, any day,
Whenever you need me, you just have to say.
With you in my heart, it really makes my day,
With the things that you do and the things that you say.
You and Eva deserve happiness and I will ensure,
From now, only good times come knocking at your door.
With you in my heart, I hope it feels good,
And that I am caring for you the way that I should.
I will always be happy, just by the love that you give,
I will protect you and love you for as long as I live.
~ Mick Jennings
Religious Wedding Poems
Two Lives Become One
As two lives become one
May the Father above
Bless our hearts and our home
With an abundance of love.
As two lives become one
And we pledge to each other
Our hearts intertwined
Professing love for one another.
As two lives become one
Let no one come between
And may God richly bless
A future, He has already seen.
Marriage Takes Three
It's not enough just two you see,
To complete His plan there must be three.
As Husband and Wife you complete your love,
with sacred vows and the Lord above.
If together you'll both kneel and pray,
with sincere hearts as you end each day,
And in all you do, if you put Him first,
He'll meet your needs and quench your thirst.
It's not enough, just two you see...
to complete His plan, it takes all three.
Wedding Poem: United Hearts
God has brought you here together
To be united in His love,
Joined in Holy Matrimony
With faith in God above
Let your faith guide your lives
With a measure of God's grace,
For this is what keeps love strong
Through whatever you may face
Keep building your marriage on
The foundation of Christ,
It will not crumble or give way
Through the daily pressures of life
But it will stand the test of time,
Growing stronger day by day
Just keep your hearts truly united,
Joined as one when you pray
The cord that binds your hearts
Will not fray, or break in two
When you build your lives on God,
He will walk with you.
~ M.S. Lowndes
Sample Wedding Toasts
Here's to the new husband, and here's to the new wife,
May they remain lovers, for all of their life
May thy life be long and happy, thy cares and sorrows few;
And the many friends around thee prove faithful, fond and true.
May your voyage through life be as happy and as free as the dancing waves on the deep blue sea
For each petal on the shamrock this brings a wish your way
Good health, good luck, and happiness for today and everyday
May the best of your yesterdays be the worst of your tomorrows
May the joys you share today be the beginning of a lifetime of great happiness and fulfillment
and a more humerous one to finish withTo keep your marriage brimming, with love in the loving cup,
When ever you're wrong, admit it; whenever your right, shut up.
You can find more samples of wedding toasts on our wedding toasts page.
For a comprehensive list of free wedding poems,
visit Poem 4 Today.
to include:-
poems for bridegroom
poems & verse for wedding party
inspirational wedding poems
four weddings & a funeral poem
Thanks for visiting Special Moments, I hope you find a suitable wedding poem for your wedding day.