Wedding Anniversary Gift Ideas
The most important wedding anniversary gift you can give your wife or husband is to remember the date you got married, forget it, and you will be in the doghouse for a very long time!!
A sneaky and romantic way of remembering would be to get your wedding rings engraved with the date of your magical day.
Your wedding anniversary is a great time to reconnect with your partner and to reassure them that you still love them. Take the time to plan something special, just the two of you and bring romance back in to your lives.

The names of some of the milestone wedding anniversaries suggest appropriate gift ideas, for example your silver wedding anniversary which you celebrate after 25 years of marriage would suggest a gift of silver would be appropriate, but there are no hard and fast rules. It is more important to buy something that your spouse would love and that fits within your budget.
Some couples prefer to buy something that is for both of them like a trip, or a weekend getaway, something for the house, or a nice romantic dinner.
If you are more of a traditional couple you may want to follow the list of wedding anniversary gifts for the appropriate number of years you have been married.
I have included a copy of our wedding anniversary gifts table for your reference. You can select from the traditional or modern anniversary gift options.
Of course you might want to buy your wife a bouquet of flowers or some jewelry. We have also included the traditional selection for each anniversary year.
Traditional Wedding Anniversary Gifts
Year |
Traditional |
Modern |
Flower |
Stone |
1 |
Paper |
Clock |
Pansy |
2 |
Straw/Cotton |
China |
Cosmos |
Rose Quartz and Garnet |
3 |
Leather |
Crystal/Glass |
Fuchsia |
Crystal |
4 |
Books/Flowers/Fruit |
Electrical Appliance |
Geranium |
Amethyst and Topaz |
5 |
Wood |
Silverware |
Daises |
Turquoise |
6 |
Iron/Sugar |
Wood |
Calla Lilies |
Amethyst and Garnet |
7 |
Copper/Wool |
Desk set |
Jack-in-the-pulpit |
Lapis Lazuli and Onyx |
8 |
Bronze/Pottery |
Lace/Linen |
Clematis |
Aventurine and Multi-coloured Tourmaline |
9 |
Pottery/Willow |
Leather |
Poppies |
Lapis Lazuli and Tiger Eye |
10 |
Aluminium/Tin |
Diamond Jewellery |
Daffodils |
Black Onyx |
11 |
Steel |
Fashion Jewellery |
Morning Glories |
Hematite and Turquoise |
12 |
Linen/Silk |
Colour gems/Pearls |
Peonies |
Agate |
13 |
Lace |
Furs/Textiles |
Hollyhock |
Citrine, Malachite and Moonstone |
14 |
Ivory |
Gold Jewellery |
Dahlia |
Moss Agate |
15 |
Crystal |
Watches |
Roses |
20 |
China |
Bone/Platinum |
Day Lily |
Emerald |
25 |
Silver |
Silver |
Iris |
Sterling Silver |
30 |
Pearls |
Diamond Jewellery |
Sweet Pea |
35 |
Coral |
Jade |
40 |
Ruby |
Ruby |
Nasturtium |
Rubies |
45 |
Sapphire |
Sapphire |
Alexandrite |
50 |
Gold |
Gold |
Violets |
55 |
Emerald |
Emerald |
Alexandrite |
60 |
Diamond |
Diamond |
70 |
Diamond and Platinum |
75 |
Diamond |
The trouble comes when you have an in between year. Trying to make them special can become tricky. An idea that goes down well is a surprise weekend away and spend some quality time together. Leave the kids with your parents and remember why you got married in the first place.
Ideas for Anniversary Gifts
Wedding anniversaries are important days to acknowledge and celebrate.
Like birthdays, they are often associated with gifts. You can give people presents on their anniversaries if you would like but the most common type of gift is between the spouses themselves.
A gift can range from something homemade that doesn’t cost a penny to a month long extravagant vacation getaway.
What you spend or how long it takes you to plan doesn’t matter, what does it that you remember the day and come up with something that will make your lover smile and feel loved.
Here are some of the most popular wedding anniversary gifts to give you some ideas:-
Anniversary gift - Jewelry
Both ladies and men love to have something special on them their loved one gave them.
Women get your guys a nice watch, a set of cufflinks or even a necklace or earring if they wear that kind of jewelry. Men make your women shine with some earrings, a ring, bracelet or necklace. They will be sure to show it off to all their friends and gloat.
Anniversary gift - Vacation
Take trip! Give your lover a break and go somewhere the two of you can be alone without the stresses of daily life.
Maybe there’s somewhere you both have been dying to travel to or revisit because you enjoyed it so much the first time. Plan ahead and surprise them with the tickets or booking information. They will be thrilled.
Anniversary gift - Photo Album
Put together a collection of photos of the two of you through the years. It’s something they will look through often and cherish forever. This is a really personal gift that shows you care and have taken some time planning and thinking about the right choice of present.
For something really personalised and special, you can create a calendar starting in the month of your anniversary, with family and personal photos that you choose.
Anniversary gift - Surprise Party!
Throw a surprise party. Your spouse will never see it coming if you’re involved. If they are truly amazing and deserve a special treat they will love a celebration with friends and family.
Make it a party to remember and be sure that someone is taking photos and all the details are attended to ahead of time. Get your kids, friends or family members involved in the planning process to make things easier.
Anniversary gift - Date Night
Life is crazy busy and you may not have time to spend a lot of time together. Even having a simple date night can be the most special thing in the world. It will mean so much to your loved one that you just want to spend an evening with him or her.
Anniversary gift - Lingerie
Buy your wife some sexy lingerie in the right size. She will feel like a million bucks and be impressed that you knew her size. Or women give your husband a pantygram. This can be a pair of your underwear in a gift wrapped box or it can be a pair of sexy boxers or a thong for them to wear.
Anniversary gift - Toys & Gadgets
Whatever their hobby may be get something for them to enjoy their favorite hobby. You may have to ask one of their friends for ideas if you don’t understand their hobby but try to make it something they need or really wanted.
You do not have to do something so extravagant as a weekend away just a meal out can be a nice thing to do. Give you a chance to get out of the house and dress up somewhere nice.
Even if you don’t want to go out a good bottle of wine and running your lovely lady a hot bath with candles can be just as romantic as jet setting to New York or Paris.
When it comes to anniversaries its just doing those little things for the ones you love.