Weddings Readings & Poems
A wedding service celebrates the bringing together of two people, during this time normally there are at least two readings from the Bible.
Wedding Reading from Literature
However, some couples who do not have a religious background especially those who are married in a registry office, may prefer to have a reading from literature, a favourite poem or song. What ever you decide it is important to remember some things so that your readings will be as personal as possible. Each of you will decide on the readings that are most important to you both.
The most important thing to remember, is that this reading is to be a declaration of how you feel about your future spouse and in some ways a reiteration of what you have promised to do for one another, during your declaration and vows. The reading should say that you promise to love each other and that you are certain you have found the right person for you. That you will save every day to make it count and that your spouse is the most important person in your life.
Wedding Reading from the Bible
1 Corinthians 13 is one of the most popular passages to be read out in a service, because of its telling of what love is. Their second reading can be anything from a poem to another favourite bible verse. Some couples may have family passages that have been read out in previous family weddings, or from other important church services in their lives such as their christening or confirmation.
Catholic Wedding Reading
Catholic Bible, wedding readings can offer a more traditional choice. In Catholic services there are normally four readings: an Old Testament, psalm response, New Testament, a sung Gospel acclamation and finally a section from the Gospel. You do not have to have all four readings; however, you could just use two of them. It is usual to use a New Testament reading, but the real choice is what you would like to have as your 2nd reading, whether you would prefer to have another New Testament or Gospel reading, or one from the Old Testament. If you do opt for a more traditional service, then you will have to know if you can actually change the types of readings you have, as some ministers will not like changing the order of service.
Unique Wedding Reading
You can use some more unique passages that are not often read but are just as essential. An example of these more fun wedding readings are from Ruth:
Wherever you go, I will go
Wherever you live, I will live
Your people will be my people
And your God will be my God too.
Wherever you die, I will die
And there I shall be buried beside you
We shall be together forever
And our love shall be the gift of our lives
Christian Wedding Readings
Other passages can be found in Solomon's Song of Songs, such as Song 2:10-14:
My lover spoke and said to me,
"Arise, my darling,
my beautiful one, and come with me.
See! The winter is past;
the rains are over and gone.
Flowers appear on the earth;
the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves
is heard in our land.
The fig tree forms its early fruit;
the blossoming vines spread their fragrance.
Arise, come, my darling;
my beautiful one, come with me."
My dove in the clefts of the rock,
in the hiding places on the mountainside,
show me your face,
let me hear your voice;
for your voice is sweet,
and your face is lovely.
Although this is from the Bible and some couples are not that religious, this is still a lovely piece of poetry and not obviously Christian.
All of these are for a Christian or non-denominational wedding. There are, of course, other religions which have their own holy scriptures that are read out in these circumstances.