Love & Romance
Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand. ~Mother Teresa
To love and be loved adds a richness to our lives.
Love and romance should not be saved for Valentines Day but should be expressed on a daily basis to keep the romance alive in your relationship. It doesn't have to be something BIG, often it's the small gestures that come from the heart and show you care, that have to biggest impact.

If you ever fall in love, fall in love with someone who wants to know your favorite color and just how you like your coffee. Fall in love with someone who loves the way you laugh, and would do absolutely anything to hear it. Fall in love with someone who puts their head on your chest just to hear your heart beat. Fall in love with someone who kisses you in public and is proud to show you off to everyone they know. Fall in love with someone who makes you question why you were afraid to fall in love in the first place. Fall in love with someone who would never ever want to hurt you.
It can be tough to come up with creative romantic gift ideas!
Once you've bought her several items of jewelry, is it time for a few romantic birthday poems to accompany her special evening out?
Ladies - wondering what homemade romantic gifts the men in your life will adore? Think again, guys aren't romantic, ladies are - so rework your thoughts to what the man in your life will really enjoy most!
Romantic Ideas and Gifts
It's easy to struggle and wonder just what constitutes a "romantic" gift - but if a gift arises from love in your heart, it is almost certainly going to feel romantic - remember to also give it in a way that is thoughtful and caring and without embarassment.
Write the Perfect Love Letter
Wondering how to write that perfect love letter to win their heart?
Look here for great ideas on love notes, and ideas on how to write a love letter.
Romantic Gift Ideas that Girls Will Love
- treat her to a romantic evening ...
- women love roses! To create a great atmosphere, buy some fake rose petals (from a florist or a party shop) and scatter them in the house for when she arrives, have some candles lit and a small gift for her. If you can run to cooking a meal, then do so, otherwise, organize a really good take out. Pop in a romantic girly film (for the top 100 romantic movies, check out and you can guarantee she'll think you're the best boyfriend or hubby ever!
- chocolate! Ladies love chocolate ! Buy her a special box of it, or get her name written on it, treat her to that expensive stuff that she loves but doesn't usually buy for herself. Make sure it's wrapped beautifully in the store - plenty of ribbon and a pretty box. You can either give it to her straight away, or hide it somewhere that she'll find it, or even create a few clues to make her hunt for it.
Romantic Ideas for Guys
Clue number one - men aren't so big on the romance stuff as girls, so focus on what your guy enjoys doing and you'll create a romantic evening they'll respond to. Guys just really want to spend time with you and if it is doing something he likes, all the better! So if you can score tickets to his favorite sporting event, or band, accompany him to a car show or cook him a romantic meal you will definately get his attention!
Outdoor Romantic Ideas
A picnic is one of the all time romantic dates. Choose a favourite location, preferably away from the crowds, spread out a blanket and open the wine! Some tasty bread, pate, fruit and dessert and she will be putty in your hands. Other outdoor romantic ideas might include a balloon ride, visit Niagara Falls, boat ride or watching a fireworks display.
Unusual Romantic Gift Ideas
- Name a Star
- Personlized Message in a Bottle
- Dance Lessons
- Lunch Time Cruise
- Plant a Tree
- Bench with Plaque at a Scenic Location
Romantic Love Quotes
The heart of the great romantic once said:-
"What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined... to strengthen each other... to be at one with each other in silent unspeakable memories.
~ George Eliot
Love cannot endure indifference. It needs to be wanted. Like a lamp, it needs to be fed out of the oil of another's heart, or its flame burns low.
~ Henry Ward Beecher
You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have really lived, are the moments when you have done things in a spirit of love.
~ Henry Drummond
Romantic Gifts Show You Care
By Chris RobertsonLove may come from the heart, but romance is a state of mind. And let's
face it - not all of us are born with a natural inclination to be romantic. Some
of us simply have a hard time expressing our feelings, and even more
difficulty showing the women in our lives that we care about them.
Nonetheless, it's important to cultivate our romantic inclinations; after all, it's
the currency that most women use to evaluate our feelings for them. A
gesture or a gift can express what our words cannot, and can communicate
both our thoughtfulness and our caring.
The first step in tapping into our romantic nature is to look at things from
the woman's perspective. Notice that the ways in which you view the world -
and your relationship - are different than the ways she views things. Next,
make it a point to notice the small things that catch her attention. Perhaps
she comments on how delicious a certain wine is, how beautiful the
neighbor's yard looks with a particular flower in bloom, or how she saw a
gorgeous piece of jewelry at the mall.
Once you begin to pay attention to what brings her pleasure and
happiness, you're on your way to being a true romantic. The thing to keep
in mind is that romance is about her desires, not yours. Your satisfaction
comes from watching her joy.
The next step in cultivating your romantic nature is showing your affection
through your deeds. Believe it or not, the most mundane things - like
noticing the clean dishes need to be put away and doing it without being
asked - can mean a tremendous amount to a woman. Plucking a flower
from your garden and presenting her with it when you come home from
work can bring tears of appreciation to her eyes. And, when the occasions
arise, selecting meaningful gifts will, from her perspective, affirm your
feelings for her.
The primary rule of romantic gift giving is selecting something that she will
enjoy. That may sound simplistic, but more than man has been bewildered
at why his wife or girlfriend wasn't thrilled with the Xbox, PlayStation, or
Nintendo he had given her. After all, he considered it the perfect gift, and
would have been grateful to receive a gaming system.
Instead, select a gift that conveys that you understand her sense of style
and taste, and that you appreciate her as a woman. Perfume, tasteful
lingerie, and jewelry are always appropriate. She might be delighted with
personal electronics, as long as you add a personal touch. If you give her
an iPod or mp3 player, for example, download songs from her favoriteartists.
When you're cultivating your romantic nature, the most important thing to
remember is that you don't have to be perfect. Gestures and gifts that
communicate your thoughtfulness and appreciation of her as a person and
as a woman are certain to delight her.
Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one of the worlds MOST popular internet marketing companies on the web.
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Romantic Anniversary Ideas
When looking for a gift for a man - something like a gadget or monogrammed item is likely to be well received. For a special anniversary, you might like to consider something like a ticket to his favorite sports team or a concert by his favorite band. For men who are in to motoring, a race around his favorite racing circuit or a similar one-day event would make an anniversary present to remember.
Anniversary Gifts For Women
By Ken MarlboroughAnniversaries are major milestones in the lives of married people. Each passing year brings them closer to their spouse, and properly chosen gifts are an acknowledgement of this bond between them. Anniversary gifts are also exchanged between unmarried couples that are close. The gifts can be anything from jewelry celebrating a silver or golden jubilee to gift baskets and bud vases.
Something like a Gourmet Gala Gift Basket is very popular. It contains chocolates, baguette sticks, salmon fillets, shortbread cookies, truffles, camembert cheese and black olives, all for $70. The website also retails heart shaped cheesecakes with chocolate toppings and a personalized message on it. It ships overnight and retails for $38. A very delightful and inexpensive gift option from is the Decorated Popcorn Tin with popcorns available in three flavors, cheddar cheese, caramel, and butter, which sells for $25.
A romantic and warm anniversary gift for your spouse from is something like an elegant glass vase, available with chocolate chip cookies, silk roses, ferns and baby’s breath decoration, available for $30. Gold pots with chocolate chip cookies, silk roses and mounted with a picket spelling “Happy Anniversary” are also a good option. Even a simple $12 bud vase engraved with her initials is something that will be appreciated.
Other popular gifts are jewelry and jewelry boxes. Silver heart shaped lockets cost $30, and a steel and crystal jewelry box with a customizedmessage etched on the wood is available for $27.
Unique gifts are something she will treasure. An Anniversary Almanac available on the website catalogs the major events that took place during each of her wedding anniversaries. A musical Merry Go Round retailed on is a sweet, romantic, old- fashioned gift to give your spouse, partner, mother, sister, or friend on her anniversary.
And nothing can diminish the old fashioned charm of a romantic Mediterranean cruise, a trip to Venice, a rooftop dinner, or a simple weekend spent hiking mountain trails. Anything that reminds a couple of the magic they have shared over the months and years is a gift a woman will cherish.
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Top 10 Romantic Movies
- Casablanca
- Gone With the Wind
- West Side Story
- Roman Holiday
- An Affair to Remember
- The Way We Were
- Doctor Zhivago
- It's A Wonderful Life
- Love Story
- City Lights
Valentines Day Ideas - ideas to make Valentines day a very special occasion
Valentines Day Poems - choose a Valentines day poem to personalize your gift.
Love Poems - love poems and romantic poetry for your special person.
Love Quotes - include a romantic love quote in your card or gift.
Romantic Ideas - romantic ideas to ignite the spark in your relationship.
Thank you for visiting love & romance ideas.