Christmas Gift Ideas
The festive season should be fun and not one that makes you anxious about choosing the right gifts.
So, don't get stressed out, plan ahead and you may even find you enjoy yourself.
Christmas Gift Suggestions
To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.
When choosing a present for a friend or family member at Christmas time, it’s important to remember to be personal, and think of the individual themselves.
There are some gifts that are appropriate for everyone, but socks and soap aren’t always the best present to unwrap!
NO pets as Christmas gifts please, living creatures should be seriously thought about, rather than purchased on a whim, thinking that it’s a novel idea.

Most Christmas gifts clutter, so to avoid your gift ending up underneath a bed or propped on top of a wardrobe, choose something you know the other person will use, even if it isn’t long lasting.
Food is always handy, a box of biscuits can be useful at many occasions for the recipient, and sending organic Christmas gifts by mail are a sure way of putting a smile on a person’s face.
If you are wanting to send something to the military, a BFPO number, then you can grab a box and fill it with delicious sweets and chocolate. In the UK, you can send gifts for free up to 2kg, so jam in some books and magazines, and some tinned fruit. Don’t forget some novelty Christmas Tree chocolates or Santa shaped treats for military men who just can‘t get enough of the holidays!
Christmas Gift Ideas for Coworkers
One of the hardest set of people to choose presents for, are those at work. Plus, knowing who gives what and when can be tricky! So, make sure you ask someone early on, to save you buying loads of expensive gifts, when all you might need is one as Secret Santa. Corporate Christmas gift baskets are a great thing to give clients or partners, as they are bound to enjoy something in the selection.
Gift Ideas for Your Secretary or PA
Secretarial gifts can be a difficult one too. Don’t get something work related, unless its particularly thoughtful, and don’t get something too personal that it oversteps the boundaries of the working relationship. A food basket is a great idea, especially if its filled with useful and expensive ingredients, things that have been hand-chosen at your nearest deli.
Handmade Christmas Gift Ideas
If you are looking to create some handmade gifts for grandparents, how about popping to your local fabric store and haberdashery? You could make some fantastic creative pillows…something that they can keep anywhere in the house and use for a while to come. Other easy Christmas gifts kids can make include candle stands with gold painted pine cones, or a homemade year calendar.
Gifts for your children or siblings could be related to their favorite TV programme, but be careful not to go overboard…Does your sister really need a bedspread, poster, book and blow-up chair to do with Hannah Montana?
Why not give the gift of Singapore’s national flower, the Risis Orchid? Or perhaps some Delftware from Holland? Something unusual can be a fantastic present for the receiver, so long as you really know the person well, and therefore know that they will love it!
Picking a Theme
Having a hard time coming up with gift ideas? Make it easier on yourself by choosing a theme and then picking gifts that match that theme. For example "a day at the beach" might suggest a beach towel, a pair of sunglasses or a good book to read. "A good night's sleep" might lend itself to cuddly pjs, slippers and a relaxation CD.
Here's some more gift ideas for the Christmas:-