Christmas Poems & Readings
Celebrate the wonder of the Christmas season.
Happy Birthday Jesus
A Christmas Poem By Jim Lake

We come together now and sing
Happy Birthday Jesus
Glad tidings of great joy we bring
Happy Birthday Jesus
Spread the news to every land
And let the people know
His birthday party's just at hand
As candles burn and glow
God sent His Son, His Special Gift
To bring us Hope and Peace
To give our lives a marvelous lift
His wonders never cease
This baby born in Bethlehem
Is God in human flesh
He came to save and not condemn
Our souls he will refresh
Hid Party is the best in town
And you have been invited
Come be with Christ who wears the Crown
And let's just get excited
Let's sing again those songs of old
Which stir us in this season
And gladly share the truth we hold
That Jesus Is The Reason!
Happy Birthday Jesus by Jim Lake
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