Christmas Poems & Readings
Celebrate the wonder of the Christmas season.
A Christmas Poem By Ester M.(Clark)Hill

The wondering stars of Christmas Eve,
The angels sang to them
Of a King of Glory who should come
That night to Bethlehem.
The stars shone east, the stars shone west,
And north and south they shone;
Yet they saw no king come riding by,
They saw no stately throne.
But when the morning hours were young
They stood aside to light
The way of a happy little babe
To Bethlehem that night.
And one star, brightest of them all,
Stood watchful guard above
A manger, warmed by the cattle's breath
And a wondrous mother-love.
'Twas "Peace on earth, good will to men!"
The angels sang on high,
While sweet young Mary hushed her heart
To hear her first-born's cry.
"O saw ye Him?" the angels sang,
And the tired stars answered them:
"Not we! But a little child was born
This night in Bethlehem!"
Bethlehem by Ester M.(Clark)Hill
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