Christmas Poems & Readings
Celebrate the wonder of the Christmas season.
A Christmas Carol
A Christmas Carol By Anonymous

Awake arise good Christians
Let nothing you dismay:
Remember Christ our Saviour
was born upon this day.
The self same moon was shining
That now is in the sky
When a holy band of angels
Came down from God on high.
Came down on clouds of glory,
Arrayed in shining light,
Unto the shepherd - people,
Who watched their flocks by night.
And through the midnight silence
The heavenly host began
'Glory to God in the highest,
On earth goodwill to man!'
'Fear not, we bring good tidings
For, on this happy morn,
The promised one, the Saviour
In Bethlehem was born!'
Up rise the joyful shepherds
From the ground whereon they lay,
As ye should rise, good Christians,
To hail this blessed clay.
Up rose the simple shepherds,
All with joyful mind,
'And let us go with speed!' said they
'This holy child to find!'
Not to a kingly palace
The son of God they found
But a lowly manger
Where oxen fed around.
The glorious King of Heaven;
The Lord of all the earth,
In mercy condescended
To be of humble birth.
There worshipped him the wise men,
As prophets had foretold
And laid their gifts before Him,
Frankincense, myrrh and gold.
Long looked the simple shepherds,
We wander far and near,
And bid ye wake, good Christians,
The joyful news to hear.
Awake, arise, good Christians,
Let nothing you dismay,
Remember Christ the Saviour
Was born upon this day!
A Christmas Carol by Anonymous
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